Girlpuppy - Vessel 11


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The Atlanta based Girlpuppy is Becca Harvey’s brainchild. She plays modern lo-fi pop, filled to the brim with dreamy vocals, emerged with intricate sound landscapes. Driven by a fire of combining her wide range of influences into something completely new, Harvey put out a bunch of releases in a relatively small timespan, all wonderful and unique in their own way.

Girlpuppy applies her emotional and vocal versatility to whatever genre she sees most fit to explore. At first the lo-fi guitar pop of For You, then the sad-girl indie on the Swan EP. After that on the breezily yearning break up jam I Miss When I Smelled Like You, she dove head first into her 70s-indebted arena pop era. After which, the When I’m Alone album saw the light, binding everything together.


26 - July, 2023



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