V11P Membership Update
The price for the V11P membership is has changed to […]

The price for the V11P membership is has changed to €60 as of March, 2023. The membership grants you access to all (90!!!) shows organised by us at V11 each year. Please note that the membership is valid for one full year from the day you subscribe.
The significant increase in prices is affecting all of us and we’re determined to continue to support independent music with shows on the boat. In order to keep our V11P membership and independent music accessible, we had to adjust our pricing with the inflation. We were very grateful to hear back from members in a survey we carried out and know that we have support and understanding for the change.
For more information on the membership and what you can get with it, click here. Make sure to read through the Terms & Conditions for the detailed guidelines of the membership.
If you have any questions around the V11P membership, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by sending an e-mail to maija@vessel11.nl.